Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Recurrent Abuse of Women - Follow-up

My dear friends, its very dangerous and if not pathetic when you are lost between mediocrity and stupidity. My second visit to the Police station was greeted with heavy insults from Mr. Tendo who insisted on ridiculing himself. Guess what? I kept calm until the police commissioner in charge called us in to take our statements a second time, something I already found strange. Knowing how gifted our system is at blowing little issues into frenzies, I did go along with my lawyer in case they stated trouble.
I recounted the whole story again, giving details of how I intervened in the whole setup to safe the life of woman. What did the complainer have to say? With nothing concrete to say, he said that my attitude that day only confirmed the fears he had nursed earlier on being that I might have a secrete affair with his wife. He wondered aloud why a man would opt to get involved in such risky situations without an interest to protect. This as he explained made him the more frustrated and furious. He questioned why I had to break into their privacy.
What privacy I could not tell when the entire neighborhood, three blocks from me was shaken by the woman’s violent cries and of course I did have an interest in the matter, that of making sure women don’t undergo undeserved suffering from irresponsible men like him. I noted with kin interest the manner in which the investigator was administering his (call it) questionnaire. The man in his statement admitted that he was too violent during the fight for no just reason.
I suggested that we should go and meet the wife who returned to hospital to get her own part of the story. The Commissioner accepted but warning me not to dictate the pace of the investigation and that he was capable of thinking. We met an all bandaged woman when we got to the hospital an hour later. Unfortunately for Mr. Tendo, his wife was pregnant. The Doctor said that the chances the baby would survive were almost zero but that they would do their best.
On my part, I was already wondering the type of pregnancy that could survive such brutality. We were again told at the end of such a tiresome day at the Police to come back in three days probably the time it will take the police to put two and two together.
I visited the woman in hospital again on my way back from the police station taking along some groceries and a get-well-soon bouquet of flowers. In tears, she told me she would file-in for a divorce. I told her it might not be the best solution but that she needed to make peace and talk it out with her husband when the tension boils down probably in the presence of a counselor. I told her that my lawyer would take the case further if she accepted. The truth was that I was ready to support him to any level.
On my way home, I reflected on the steps that the Police was willing to take given such levels of inhuman treatment of others. We just have to wait and see what happened during my next visit to the Police station. Just hang on….